Angka Cantik!

Oktober 26, 2007

My computer geek score is greater than 88% of all people in the world! How do you compare? Click here to find out!

Cantik kaga angkanya?
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How to Configure ReportViewer for Remote Processing

To configure a ReportViewer control for remote processing, specify a server report to use with the control. Follow these steps to select a server report:

  1. Add the ReportViewer control from the Data section of the Toolbox to the form or Web page in your project.
  2. In the ReportViewer Tasks smart tags panel, in Choose Report, select Server Report.
  3. In the Report Server text box, type the report server URL. The default URL syntax is http://localhost/reportserver. The actual URL that is used in your installation might be different depending on how the report server virtual directory settings are configured.
  4. In the Report Path text box, type the fully qualified path of a published report. The report path must start with a forward slash ( / ). The path must not include report URL parameters. The path consists of folders in the report server folder namespace and the name of the report. For example, if you installed the SQL Server 2005 sample report Company Sales on your report server, the report path might be /AdventureWorks Sample Reports/Company Sales.
  5. Build or deploy the application to verify that the report appears correctly in your application. If you receive HTTP proxy errors, verify that the report server URL is correct. If you receive a compatibility error, confirm that the report server is a SQL Server 2005 instance.
  6. Select the ReportViewer control and open the Properties window.
  7. Set properties on the ReportViewer control to configure the report toolbar and run-time functionality. Use the reference documentation to learn about each property.

Taken from here.

si NOL melawan Rp.1

Oktober 19, 2007

Ribut-ribut masalah tarif nelfon sekarang makin seru aja. Apalagi sekarang lagi panas-panasnya ribut antara Rp.1 ama si NOL. Karena iklan dari dua perusahaan tersebut bisanya cuma saling ngejatohin tanpa niat ngejelasin sebenernya mana yang lebih murah.

Bohong klo promosi dari kedua perusahaan itu ga ada Syarat dan Ketentuan Berlaku. Jadi klo mau fair harusnya kita ngitung tarifnya saat syarat dan ketentuan itu berlaku dikeduanya. Jadi baru bisa dibandingin dan ga ada penyesatan.

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Dilema Junkerz…

Oktober 17, 2007


Baru nyadar…

Ternyata wordpress ada giniannya juga :mrgreen:

Kapok dah klo gini mulu !

Oktober 8, 2007

Apa memang harus begitu?

Apa memang harus sebesar itu?

hanya selisih satu?

hey, be rational dude!